Day 6: Made a God'e Eye Craft
Today was a cold day, not a good day for swimming or outdoor activities, so we decided to do a craft instead. Grandma Candi is a Sunday school teacher and she had a good idea to make "God's Eye." She had the kits and instructions already made up from one of the other teachers so it was a perfect activity for the day. The boys weren't too excited about it when we first started because it was a little confusing, so we were off to a rocky start. Dalton likes to be the best at everything, so he was being pouty when Lane figured it out before him. But once we all had it figured out, then it was more fun for them. Lane especially enjoyed this activity, and his "eye" turned out the best. He did such a good job!!
Sawyer...always up for a photo op!!
The project turned out really good. Once they figured out what they were doing and that it wasn't that hard, they really got into it. I'm finding that when we start something sometimes one or two of them might complain about it or say they don't want to do it but they are all required to participate. It's funny how they actually like it and by the end of the activity they are excited about it. I'm hoping to show them it's ok to try things you might not think are fun, but to give it a chance because you might change your mind and decided you really did like it, and at least you can say you tried it. So far it's working :) Love The Fritch Clan.....
Sawyer helped Gramma cook while we worked on our project.
The finished product |
On a side note: My Grandma O'Connor passed away today. Maybe "God's eye" was watching over us this day, because she would have died just after we finished making them...looking back it almost seems an appropriate activity for the day. She will be missed...we love you Grandma!!!